Cultivation of Vegetables and Fruit


Unfortunately, I had to interrupt my stay in Tanzania for a few months for health reasons and I wasn't able to continue working on our project as I would have liked.

In the meantime I feel healthy again and am back on site.

Immediately after my arrival, we started planting vegetable beds. A farmer from a neighboring town has planted carrots, ocra, onions, cabbage, tomatoes and potatoes, as well as several banana trees and avocado shoots.

Maize was already planted in a distant field in January, which is dried after harvesting and processed into cornmeal. This flour is used to cook "ugali", a typical local side dish, similar to Italian polenta.

Unfortunately, we were unsuccessful in cultivating the Moringa seedlings. So we will have to travel a bit to buy some shoots

However, we are all happy about our vegetable field and are happy every day how great it is thriving.


We are aware that the current situation in Germany is very tense due to inflation and the war in Ukraine and that everyone has to pay more attention to their financial situation than ever before. However, please do not forget Africa. Inflation is also clearly noticeable here. Please see if there isn't one or two euros that you can donate to this project. Many small amounts make the construction of the school possible.

Online banking at our project bank has not yet been activated. However, this will happen in the next few days and will then be announced on the donation page.

Our beloved children thank you.